..."Welcome to my new POST GRADUATE blog... don't worry I will still be talking about fashion... but i will also be bringing you all the highs and lows of a northern girl trying to make it in the land of the pie and gravy ... there will be love... laughs and real lows... hang on to your hats guys... this ride is going straight to the stars!!!!!!!

Thursday 17 February 2011

ILL =(

OMG iv never been so ill in all my life!! Had to miss lectures for a week and didnt leave the house for the same amount of time. Saturday morning i woke up with a sore throat, by sayurday night i had full blown tonsilitus and my throat was closing up! I had to have a doctor called out to me at 6am sunday morning as i was finding it hard to breath and i was shaking and screaming with pain and my body felt like it was shutting down!!! For the next 5 days i didnt move out of my bed. I didnt sleep and the only thing i cd eat was yogarts. I never felt so ill in my life. Was gettin really scared id never get better. On tuesday u had a bad reaction to he anti-biotics i was taking and couldnt stop vommiting. So then i couldnt even eat yogart!! And to top it off in between the throwing up last night i had the worst migraine. I didnt think it could get much worse!!! I decided i would not be beaten by a virus. And made it into lectures today. Still shaking and suffering from cold sweats but i made it. I had to go to 2 doctors appoitments throughtout the day to get new antibiotics and strong medication and am now starting to feel alot better!! I feel so bad that i am behind on work but i literally couldnt do anything :( This means im going to have to work my butt of from now on the catch up :(

Stupid illnesses!!!!


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