..."Welcome to my new POST GRADUATE blog... don't worry I will still be talking about fashion... but i will also be bringing you all the highs and lows of a northern girl trying to make it in the land of the pie and gravy ... there will be love... laughs and real lows... hang on to your hats guys... this ride is going straight to the stars!!!!!!!
just checked my bank balance... i have £96 till the loan at the end of April!! I had a job interview but i can't actually afford to attend!!
My lecturer said that my illustrations look like they should be 'In the only way is essex'...seriously??? could i not have been told about this earlier!!??
I actually had some help today sewing today, first bit of technical support since i started 3rd year! Iv got to finish sewing it 2mro!!
WOW! So last night i was gettin rather upset and panicky! I dont have long left and im gettin nervous and i need to get a job pretty quickly or i'll be living on the streets!!
This morning tho when i woke up i had a voicemail on my phone from a company wanting to give me a telephone interview.
Throught the day today i have had 3 telephone interviews, I got offered one job but they wanted me to start next week (DAMIIT) and i now have an interview for wednesday in London!!!
Pretty nervous!!! But fingers crossed ill get the job so then i can start looking for a place to live. Money is a big issue at the moment. And i had to spent £18 on a business dress for my interview which has made me even skinter!! =(
2 designers from gianni!! nice see theough shirts guys!!! Thats how they roll in Italy!
This is like my dress design
I attended my top model uk placement weekend this weekend, and it was sooo amazing! Really inspiring and made me want to work in fashion soo sooo much more! Id love to be a fashion show co-ordinator!! I get a buzz from all the caous and stress!!!
I manage to network a bit and have already confirmed some of the finalists to work in a shoot of my final collection :D :D