..."Welcome to my new POST GRADUATE blog... don't worry I will still be talking about fashion... but i will also be bringing you all the highs and lows of a northern girl trying to make it in the land of the pie and gravy ... there will be love... laughs and real lows... hang on to your hats guys... this ride is going straight to the stars!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

THis is ME

Welcome to my Blog..

In this blog i will be pushing the boundaries of Fashion...Giving you my opinon on the latest trends and styles that i come across.

A little about me- I am a 21 year old Fashion with Marketing student, and am just entering my final year of University at Hertfordshire. I have high goals set for myself and this summer i am undertaking in an intern-ship at TESCO design office for 2 months.

In the next coming year i will also be designing and manufacturing my own design collection. I am an enthusiastic worker with a passion for finding out 'what's next' in the industry...

Enjoy my blog..It is only in the early stages of production right now but I will add photos and articles regularly.

Enjoy...and i hope i inspire you.